Starting Margot & me has been quite the journey. Mostly because I didn't set out to become an artist, because I didn't believe I could be.
My journey is one of years of low self confidence, undiagnosed neurodiversity and allowing the societal opinion, that you can't make money from art, get in the way.
I'm starting this journey now in my 42nd year, Moving from being a makeup artist and hairstylist for the past 10 years to a pencil, pen & paint to paper type of artist. It's exciting and terrifying in equal measure and I hope you will support me on this new journey.
Now how did I get here and why Margot & me? Well this could be a loooooooong story, and having ADHD means that I have an inability to tell a short story on account of all the side stories I'll go off on in the process......
So to make my story a bit more interesting I'll add a little creative glitter to it
Once upon a time
In a magical kingdom far far away, there was a little rainbow haired girl called Michelle.....
Read the rest of the story on the blog soon ;-)

Let's talk
Don't be shy! If you have a question, no matter how random or silly you might think it is. I won't judge. I can guarantee I've asked weirder ones. It comes with the ADHD territory.
So get in touch.
Use the enquiry box to your left, contact me on socials or email me -